Trompe l'oeil society of artists
An organization dedicated to carrying on the tradition of the 19th century trompe l'Oeil (fool-the-eye) American Masters while offering fresh insights both conceptually and perceptually. The objective of Society members is to educate the public with museum and gallery exhibits across the nation with Fine Art Trompe l'Oeil. Founded by Donald Clapper and Larry Charles, who then selected others to become charter members, this group also includes, Eric L. Conklin, Gary T. Erbe, Michael Gallarda, Gerald Hodge, Michael Molnar, Gayle B. Tate and Gregory West." Source: Louis A. Zona, exhibition catalogue introduction, "Eleanor Ettinger Gallery presents the Tromple l'Oeil Society of Artists", March 6-30, 2003. (LPD)