Material applied to a surface as a penetrating sealer, to alter or lessen its absorbency and isolate it from subsequent coatings.<br><br>Compound mixed with paper or fabric to make it stiffer and less able to absorb moisture.<br><br>Any of several gooey substances usually made from glue (the best is made from rabbit skin), wax, or clay, and used as a glaze or filler for porous materials such as paper, fabric, or wall surfaces, and used in sizing. Also, the physical dimensions, proportions, magnitude, or extent of an object. Size is one of the perspective tools an artist can use to create an illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface, in that the nearer an object is the larger it appears to be, and the farther it is the smaller it appears to be.Quote: Before he became president of the USA, Abraham Lincoln took part in a series of political debates with a fellow named Douglas. In an obvious reference to the difference in height between Lincoln and Douglas (a much shorter man), a heckler asked, "Tell us, Mr. Lincoln, how long do you think a man's legs ought to be?" Lincoln replied, "Long enough to reach the ground." Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), president (1861-1865) during America's Civil War; emancipator of slaves. "There is a right physical size for every idea." Henry Moore (1898-1987), The Sculptor's Aims, 1966. See sculpture. "Size is important when you draw objects that you want to appear closer to your eye larger than objects that you want to appear farther away from your eye. Large objects look closer." Mark Kistler, American TV artist / instructor. "The Twelve Renaissance Words of Drawing in 3-D," 1997.Also see circumference, colossus and colossal, Cyclopean, depth, diameter, direction, filter, full-scale, height, human scale, iconometer, length, measure, monumental, nail, optical illusion, radius, scale, sizes of common nails, sizes of finishing nails, visual scale, weight, and width.