Genuine, without hypocrisy.More than one authority has repeated the story that "sincere" is derived from Latin sine cire, which means "without wax." According to this account, wax was often applied to rough surfaces, cracks, and other flaws in marble sculptures or pottery in order to conceal shabby craftsmanship or other defects, perhaps deceiving the viewer that the object was of higher quality; and if a marble or pot had no concealed flaws it was guaranteed to be sine cera; without wax. There is significant evidence that this is not actually how we have come to have the English word "sincere" however. The Oxford English Dictionary disavows this etymology, asserting, ?There is no probability in the old explanation from sine cera ?without wax.?? The OED says sincere came from the Latin ?sincerus, clean, pure, sound.? Nevertheless, because the "folk" version is so popular and poignant, it bears repeating.