Secondary colors


A hue created by combining two primary colors, as yellow and blue mixed together yield green. In pigment the secondary colors are orange, green and violet.<br><br>Colors obtained by mixing two primary colors<br><br>The colors obtained by mixing equal amounts of two primary colors. The secondary colors in subtractive color mixing (when the sources of color are pigments or reflective surfaces instead of light itself) are orange, green, and violet, as in the diagram and the picture to the right. (In this diagram, where do the primary colors [red, yellow, and blue] belong?)a diagram of the secondary colorsIn additive color mixing (when the sources of color are light sources instead of reflective surfaces), the secondary colors are magenta, yellow, and cyan. Also see color wheel, and see intermediate colors, which are sometimes called tertiary colors.Also see CMYK (cyan magenta yellow black) and RGB (red green blue).