Small, hard particles of sedimentary minerals. Sand is used in many art techniques and processes, including abrasives, casting or molding, cement, mortar, ceramics, glass, and painting.Rarely is sand an art medium without other materials (binders, aggregates, etc.), but for many on sandy beaches and in sandboxes, it's an invitation to sculpt. Sandcastles have played a role in many a budding artist's sculptural juvenilia. The medium has been taken up by increasing numbers of adult practitioners who debate the controversies of using armatures and binders (other than water) when modeling mammoth piles in places where sand must be trucked in. Airborne sand and WEAR SAFETY GLASSES!all other dusts are hazardous toWEAR A DUST MASK! breathe. A user should wear an appropriate dust-mask and eye protection, or be very effective in preventing dust from damaging the workplace's atmosphere.Sand can be refined by passing it through screens in order to filter out other materials, and to separate particles into various standard sizes: Size Term Particle Diameter (mm) granule 2 to 4very coarse sand 1 to 2course sand 1/2 to 1medium sand 1/4 to 1/2fine sand 1/8 to 1/4very fine sand 1/16 to 1/8silt 1/256 to 1/16clay less than 1/256