Relief print
An image created by an artist who cuts away parts of a matrix such as a cork, wood or linoleum block leaving a raised area, which is then inked and transferred to a paper. The resulting image is the Relief Print. Some relief prints are made by printing presses and others by hand. Relief printing has become an experimental process for artists such as Boris Margo and Arthur Deshaies who create prints with lucite, cardboard or celluloid dissolved in acetone. Other American artists doing Relief Prints include Milton Avery, Leonard Baskin, Misch Kohn, Will Barnet, Karl Schrag, Adja Yunkers and Naum Gabo. Until the 1930s, most American artists were indifferent to innovative relief printing, but Barnet as well as Werner Drewes and Louis Schanker ???discovered that printmaking served their expressive needs and individual styles.??? Schanker did ???energized??? abstractions, many of them circular designs, and Drewes also created abstractions linked to Native-American hieroglyphics. Some exquisitely crafted relief prints were used for book illustrations. Source: ???Antiques and the Arts Weekly???, Bee Publishing, November 25, 2005, p. 11.