A three-dimensional figure bounded by polygons. Each of its sides is called a face. Each of the straight lines which describe the meeting of faces is called an edge, and each point at the end of an edge is called a vertex. The plural form can be either polyhedrons or polyhedra.Polyhedra are among the ten classes of patterns.Art employing polyhedra: Fra Giovanni da Verona (Italian), three panels of wood intarsia, 1520: Each conveys the appearance of open cupboard doors -- a trompe l'oeil effect resulting from the use of linear perspective. The first panel: a Campanus sphere, a mazzocchio, and various instruments of the geometer. The second panel: a complex polyhedron which can be constructed by erecting a pyramid of equilateral triangles on each face of an icosidodecahedron. The third: the Campanus sphere again, along with an icosahedron and a truncated icosahedron.Types of polyhedra:# faces. . . name of polyhedron 4 tetrahedron 4-infinity pyramid 5-infinity prismatoid 6 hexahedron 6 cube 6 rhombohedron 6 parallelepiped 7 heptahedron 8 octahedron 10 decahedron 12 dodecahedron 20 icosahedron Other resources about polyhedrons: The Uniform Polyhedra is by far the most outstanding resource on polyhedra. See images and info about 80 polyhedra, and every one of them can be seen in animated form too ? don't miss these. This site, in English, has been created by Dr. Roman E. M?der of Czechoslovakia. Low-tech models of polyhedra. Here are printable templates for making paper models of the regular polyhdra. To use the templates, print the images, and then copy them onto heavy card stock (60 lb. stock is best) with as much magnification as seems suitable. Included are templates for a cube, a dodecahedron top, a dodecahedron bottom, an icosahedron top, and an icosahedron bottom. Buckminster Fuller. Also see mathematics, regular, sphere, and straight.