Pilchuck glass school
Founded in 1971 on fifty four acres of land fifty miles north of Seattle by Dale Chihuly with Anne and John Hauberg, fine-art glass collectors, as a school to teach the art of glassblowing. The school has been the primary influence in the late 20th and early 21st centuries for glassblown objects evolving into fine-art expression. Pilchuck Glass School is the largest and most comprehensive center for persons wishing training in working with glass. Available at the facility are a wide offering of work areas including a kiln shop, hot-glass shops, shops for neon and flameworking, wood and metal shops. Also residential buildings house teachers and students. Classes are limited to ten students. Teachers include Italo Scanga, Flo Perkins, Glen Alps and Harvey Littleton as well as Dale Chihuly. Among the students are Nicholas Africano, Toots Zynsky and Mary Shaffer. Source: school website http://www.pilchuck.com/about/about_main.htm