Paying attention
Concentration of thought upon a subject. A close or careful observing or listening. Focusing one's ability or power to concentrate mentally. Giving observant consideration. When used by a teacher, attention means "Stop, look and listen." Stop working, talking, moving, and put things down. Look toward the teacher or the student who's been called upon. "Listening" is thinking about what's being said, and speaking only when called upon. When a student needs to let a teacher know he or she needs attention, an appropriate means is to raise a hand when the speaker has stopped speaking. Raising a hand does not guarantee that a student will be called upon, although teachers should try to share attention as much as possible. When a teacher has called upon a student, all other students should lower their hands in order to pay attention to the ensuing discussion.Quotes: "Be attentive to the minute particular." William Blake (1757-1827), English artist and poet. "If we were meant to talk more than listen, we would have two mouths and one ear." Mark Twain (pen name of Samuel L. Clemens, 1835-1910), American author. "My only advice is to stay aware, listen carefully, and yell for help if you need it." Judy Bloom, contemporary American author. "Every time we listen to a student's opinion, we practice the principles of intellectual freedom." Pat R. Scales, contemporary American teacher.