A method of making an image by scattering dust from charcoal or colored chalk on water and then skimming the design off by passing a stiff paper or cardboard just under the water's surface. Parsemage was invented by surrealist Ithell Colquhoun.(pr. PAHR-sə-MAHZH)Also see aleatory and aleatoric, bricolage, collage, coulage, d?coupage, femmage, frottage, fumage, marouflage, montage, and photomontage.<br><br>A method of making an image by scattering dust from charcoal or colored chalk on water and then skimming the design off by passing a stiff paper or cardboard just under the water's surface. Parsemage was invented by surrealist Ithell Colquhoun.(pr. PAHR-sə-MAHZH)Also see aleatory and aleatoric, bricolage, collage, coulage, d?coupage, femmage, frottage, fumage, marouflage, montage, and photomontage.