Paradigm shift
When one era shifts into another, the habits of the earlier one are disrupted by new ones which eventually settle into a familiar routine. The phrase is used to describe any sort of major shift of mind-set or world-view. For example, the change from pre-modern to modern art was effectively a change from a paradigm in which paintings were seen as windows through which one looked, as in Renaissance and Baroque illusionism ? to a new paradigm of abstraction. Similarly, the change from modernism to postmodernism is now commonly viewed as a paradigm shift.<br><br>When one era shifts into another, the habits of the earlier one are disrupted by new ones which eventually settle into a familiar routine. The phrase is used to describe any sort of major shift of mind-set or world-view. For example, the change from pre-modern to modern art was effectively a change from a paradigm in which paintings were seen as windows through which one looked, as in Renaissance and Baroque illusionism, to a new paradigm of abstraction. Similarly, the change from modernism to postmodernism is now commonly viewed as a paradigm shift.