A brochure or booklet; a small, thin book, either bound or unbound. It is usually a photo of an unfolded pamphletone or more folded pieces of paper, its usually 6-48 pages defined by the paper's folds and / or their edges, and its cover made of the same or only slightly heavier weight than that of its pages.Also see broadside, catalogue, ephemera, handbill, and propaganda.<br><br>A brochure or booklet; a small, thin book, either bound or unbound. It is usually a photo of an unfolded pamphletone or more folded pieces of paper, its usually 6-48 pages defined by the paper's folds and / or their edges, and its cover made of the same or only slightly heavier weight than that of its pages.Also see broadside, catalogue, ephemera, handbill, and propaganda.