In the classical architectural style of Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio (Andrea di Pietro della Gondola) (Italian, 1508-1580). Largely an English development of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Palladian architecture is characterized by symmetry and by elaborated adaptation of classical architectural elements.Examples of Palladio's work:Andrea Palladio (Italian, 1508-1580), Villa Rotonda (Villa Capra), begun 1567, general view of exterior, Vicenza, Italy. This building has an identical portico on each of four sides. see thumbnail to leftOne of the Villa Rotunda's windows. See fenestration. Andrea Palladio, author; Venice: Domenico de'Franceschi, 1570, publisher, I Quattro Libri dell'architettura di Andrea Palladio..., 1570 (4 parts in one volume), printed book; 128 p. : ill., maps ; 12 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. See Palladian. see thumbnail to rightIllustrated: title page of Andrea Palladio's I Quattro Libri dell'architettura and engraved portrait of Palladio from the frontispiece.Also see Neoclassicism.<br><br>In the classical architectural style of Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio (Andrea di Pietro della Gondola) (Italian, 1508-1580). Largely an English development of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Palladian architecture is characterized by symmetry and by elaborated adaptation of classical architectural elements.