See angstrom, Centigrade, centiliter, centimeter, circumference, cubic, diameter, dimension, direction, foot, gauge, gram, hardness, horology, iconometer, inch, kilogram, liter, meter, metric system, mil, milliliter, millimeter, paper, pi, pica, polygon, polyhedron, pound, quart, ream, scale, size, temperature, time, volume, weight, yard, and the names of the kinds of materials to be measured, such as color, light, nails, paper, sand, sheet metal, and wire. (pr. MEH-zhər)Related links: To understand or to convert other units of measure than those found here, go to Also see assessment, ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials), effort, interdisciplinary, music, protractor, rhythm, mathematics and art, science and art, sequence, and straight.