Marshall collection
An American art collection of Nancy and William Marshall of Peoria, Illinois, it has a focus of being paintings by artists who studied abroad and whose style reflects the period between Impressionism and Modernism, late 19th and early 20th centuries. Subjects are quiet, picturesque landscapes and portraits, especially children of artists painted by the artist. In 1999, the collection toured with the opening exhibition at the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts in Hagerstown, Maryland. Other venues were the Huntsville Museum of Art, Albrecht Kemper Museum, and the Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences in Peoria, Illinois. An accompanying catalogue, "The Marshall Collection", was co-authored by Richard Love, Chicago Art Dealer, and William Marshall with an introduction by Jean Woods, Director of the Washington County Museum. Following this exhibition, a portion of the collection was loaned to the Residence of the American Ambassador in Dublin, Ireland. Sources: "The Marshall Collection"; personal interview with William Marshall.