Landscape architecture
The decorative and functional modification and planting of grounds, especially at or around a building site.Example: A.-J. (Antoine Joseph) Dezallier d'Argenville (French, 1680-1765), author; London : printed by George James, 1712, publisher, The Theory and Practice of Gardening : Wherein is Fully Handled all that Relates to Fine Gardens, Commonly called Pleasure-Gardens, as Parterres, Groves, Bowling-Greens &c. ...., 1712, printed book; [15] , 218 l [2] pages, [28] double leaves of plates, [4] folding leaves of plates: illustrated; 26 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. see thumbnail to rightIllustrated: Plate 4A: The general disposition of a garden of twelve acres from The Theory and Practice of Gardening. See Baroque.Quote: "Landscape architecture encompasses the analysis, planning, design, management, and stewardship of the natural and built environments. Types of projects include: residential; parks and recreation; monuments; urban design; streetscapes and public spaces; transportation corridors and facilities; gardens and arboreta; security design; hospitality and resorts; institutional; academic campuses; therapeutic gardens; historic preservation and restoration; reclamation; conservation; corporate and commercial; landscape art and earth sculpture; interior landscapes; and more. Landscape architects have advanced education and professional training and are licensed in 47 states." The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).Also see architecture, art careers, environment art, and topiary.