Most literally, the German word Kunstkabinett means a "cabinet of curiosities".<br>A similar term is Kunstkammer, a "chamber of curiosities". These were exhibition spaces in which odd and wondrous rarities were brought together for private contemplation and pleasure. The words are German, but they are also used by speakers and writers of English because so many of the earliest (16th century) and best examples were created in Germany. Although the objects on display in these spaces were art objects, if some or all of the objects were marvels of nature, then they were instead called Wunderkabinetts and Wunderkammern. These precursors of the museum were developments of the Renaissance. The museum, on the other hand, was a creation of the Enlightenment.<br><br>As a rule in German grammer, the first letter of every noun must be capitalized (common as well as proper nouns), so the first K's in these words are usually capitalized in English texts. The plural of "Kunstkammer" is "Kunstkammern." Kunstkabinetts and Kunstkammern very rarely remain today as they were in previous centuries. They are simultaneously pieces of furniture and the collections of objects within them, and naturally the selections of things in most were altered at the decision of their owners. The Getty Museum is justly proud of its empty cabinet (and title it Display Cabinet) because this exemplar remains so evocative of the high level of wonder its viewers must have taken in its presentation.<br>