

A very thin, transparent colored paint applied over a previously painted surface to alter the appearance and color of the surface.<br><br> A glaze is a thin layer of translucent oil paint applied to all or part of a painting, to modify the tone or color underneath. Glazing is the process of using this technique.<br><br>A term used in ceramics to describe a thin coating of minerals which produces a glassy transparent or colored coating on bisque ware. Typically applied either by brushing, dipping, or spraying, it is fixed by firing the bisque ware in a kiln. This makes the surface smooth, shiny, and waterproof.Also, a glaze can be a thin, translucent or transparent coat over a painting, sometimes meant simply to protect the paint underneath, but more often to add a veil of coloration to an area of a picture.If a glaze is to be used on any surface that will come in contact with food or beverages, then it is important to insure that the glaze is food safe. Lead is the element most commonly found in glazes that are not food safe, but there are others.Because there are alternatives to glazes that are less expensive and less time consuming, many artists, educators and students may wish to pursue some of them: colored slips, oxides, and paints. Each of these have their own advantages and disadvantages too.Sometimes, when containers of ceramic glazes are unused for a while, the water in them evaporates, leaving other ingredients dried into very hard, compact chunks of powder. Unfortunately, simply adding water doesn&#39;t soften this stuff, and throwing such valuable ingredients away is wasteful. Conserve this material by breaking pieces into ever smaller and smaller sizes. A hammer and an old chisel can accomplish the first phase of this work. Complete the process by crushing and grinding small pieces with a mortar and pestle. Add water, and that old glaze is as good as new.Related resources: Digitalfire Corporation offers software and electronic books to help secondary students and adults to understand the chemistry of ceramic glazes so that they can take control, adjust and formulate their own recipes. Digitalfire comes from Alberta, Canada. Chalkboard has a section about painting impasto and glazes. Chalkboard is produced by Ralph Larmann, a member of the art faculty at the University of Evansville, IN. Also see antimony, encaustic, engobe, finish, glass, glossy, impasto, lead glaze, mat, overpainting, patina, scumble, surface, and varnish.