A decorated exhibit or scene mounted on a mobile platform and pulled, carried, or driven in a parade. (pr. floht)Examples: Jean Boch (Belgian, 1545-1608), author; Pieter van der Borcht (Dutch, 1545-1609), engraver; Anterp?ae: Ex Officina Plant?n?ana, 1595, publisher, Descriptio Pbvlicae Gratvlationis, Spectacvlorvm et Lvdorvm, in Aventv Sereniss : Principis Ernesti Archidvcis Avstriae Dvcis Bvrgvndiae ... Belgicis Provinciis a Regia Maiestate Catholica Praefecti, an. 1594 ... / Omnia a Ioanne Bochio ... Conscripta., 1595, printed book; 174 , [2] p. : including 34 engraved plates , (4 double) ; 38 x 26 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. This lavishly illustrated volume describes the 1594 triumphal entry of Archduke Ernst of Austria into Belgium. see thumbnail to rightIllustrated: "Schema Elephanti" from the festival book of Ernst, Archduke of Austria. (page 113)American, Alabama, members of Albertville High School's 2002-03 Freshman Class, graduating in 2006, Aggies, BBQ the Bulldogs, homecoming float, 2002, mixed media on flatbed trailer, as pulled by pickup truck. Nearly every high school and college in America has a football team. Each of those teams designates one game each year to be its "homecoming game." In addition to the contest on the gridiron is a competition between the school's classes to produce the best float to parade around the field at half-time. The winning float is usually produced either by the school's juniors or seniors. ArtLex believes the freshmen Aggies of 2002-2003 produced the best homecoming float in the entire USA this year.