Encaustic encaustic painting
An ancient technique, pigments are mixed with molten wax and painted onto a surface where they are fused by the application of heat. The word is derived from the Greek "enkaustikos", meaning 'burning in', which in modern usage is the last part of the process. Ancient Greeks did encaustic mural painting and heated their wax colors on a copper or silver palette over a metal drum filled with burning charcoal. Ancient Romans also used the method for decorative work and for protective coating on ships. Today Encaustic Painting is successful because of control temperatures through electric heating devices that allow all application signs to disappear, leaving an even, dry surface that can be polished to a low sheen. Among artists noted for using Encaustic are Ferdinand Warren, Manuel Pailos, Elaine Sturtevant, Robert Ryman and Victor Brauner. Sources: Ralph Mayer, ???A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques???; Peter and Linda Murray, ???The Penguin Dictionary of Art & Artists???