Downtown gallery - edith halpert
Founded in Greenwich Village, New York City at 113 West 13th Street in 1926 by Edith Gregor Halpert, it stayed in the gallery business for forty-four years. The Gallery was unique because it was one of the earliest in America devoted to American art, the earliest to sell and promote modern art, the first in America to be operated by a woman, and the first gallery to promote folk art and work by black artists such as Jacob Lawrence. Halpert was also the first American dealer "to print on every sales receipt that the copyright was held by the artist and gallery---not the purchaser. Abby Rockefeller and Stanley Marcus were some of her biggest clients, and other collectors were Eleanor Roosevelt, Paul Mellon and Marshall Field III. Among her artists were Stuart Davis, Georgia O'Keeffe, and Charles Sheeler. In 1940, Halpert moved her gallery out of Greenwich Village to a six-story mansion at 43 East 51st Street. Source: Lindsay Pollock, "The Girl with the Gallery", 2006.