An image or figure of Jesus Christ on the cross. The act of placing the figure there or this method of execution is called crucifixion. Christ's act of submitting to suffering and death is central to Christianity ? to a belief in Jesus Christ as the savior of all of mankind from punishment for Adam and Eve's "original sin."(pr. KROO-sə-fix)Examples: Giunta Pisano (Italian, active in Pisa c. 1229-c. 1254), Crucifix, 1240s, tempera on wood, 316 x 285 cm, San Domenico, Bologna. Pisan was one of many artists who were influenced by an exposure to Byzantine art resulting from the capture of Constantinople by crusaders. Pisan's crucifix is noted for the extreme expression of pathos, inspired by the Eastern iconography of the 'Christus patient', that is the Brother of Man in His suffering. Under the influence of the Franciscans this interpretation was definitely substituted for the heroic Christ, impassive, triumphing over death.A "perizonium" is a loin-cloth, such as that placed on the figure of Christ on a crucifix. The sign traditionally posted above the figure of Christ reads "INRI," letters standing for the Latin phrase "Jesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum," meaning "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."Also see cenacolo, Madonna, pendant, and suppedaneum.