An intentional imitation, replica, reproduction, or duplication of an original work of art, usually produced in the same medium. Unlike a fake, a copy generally is intended as an emulation of a model rather than as a deception. A variation on copying, complicating the issues involved in distinguishing between originals, copies, and forgeries, are appropriations. Also, text material, to be printed or spoken. And, to photocopy as with xerography.Example: Roman copy of an original attributed to Praxiteles (Greek), "Sauroctone" Apollo (lizard killing Apollo), c. 350 BCE, marble, height 58 1/2 inches (149 cm), Louvre. See Apollo and contrapposto.Quote: "Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility." Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), Spanish artist. Vogue (New York, Nov. 1, 1956). See after. Also see advertisement, allusion, analogy, copyright, counterfeit, ersatz, facsimile, likeness, mirror, paint-by-number, plagiarism, pantograph, pointing and pointing machine, representation, simile, simulacrum, and simulation.