Computer art - digital


A method of producing art by a programmed computer, the term dates to the mid 1960s. Results are often regarded as beautiful and creative. Because of the wide range of variations, computer art has no consistent style nor can traditional criteria be applied to its production. Some regard Computer Art as inferior or not legitimate art because it is not generated from human creativity, but others are fascinated by it because of its innovation of bringing together in a 'creative' way elements of the sciences and humanities. Madrid University in Spain has had a collaborative program between artists and mathematicians, and Buenos Aires and Amsterdam as well as universities in Italy and Germany have computer-art centers. The 1970 Venice Biennale initiated a section on Computer Art. Early United States exhibitions included the "World Exhibition of Computer Graphics" at Howard Wise Gallery, New York in 1965, and in 1966, a traveling exhibition was sponsored by the Western Assocation of Art. American computer artists include Arthur Brody, Jeff Flower, Melissa Zink, , Peter Bardazzi, Neil Meitzler, Carol, Flax, Patti Held, Leroy Lamis, Frahn Koerner and Jeffrey Shaw. Sources: "Phaidon Dictionary of Twentieth Century Art"; AskART database