A lithographic process using several stones or plates ? one for each color, printed in register. The result is color prints, to be distinguished from colored prints that have the color hand-applied after printing.Examples: George Catlin (American, 1796-1872), The Buffalo Dance, 1848, chromolithograph, from a set of prints: "Die Indianier Nord Amerikas", published in Brussels, Belgium. Such prints were effectively reproductions of paintings. See American Indian art and dance.Rebecca Coleman (American artist), Raphael Tuck Company (publisher), A Glad New Year, Good Angels Guard Thee, a chromolithographed greeting card for the 1881-2 holiday season. This card's design was one of seven derived from a series of seven angel paintings by Coleman titled "Angel's Heads". The cards were very popular. On each of the seven designs, Tuck added a different message and verse. The verse on the back of this card: I stand in the New Year light And I look towards the Sun, And I see through the aether bright & fair, and Angelic one! Tis Hope, tis the Morning Star!