

An Italian word that means light (chiaro) and dark (scuro), it is used to describe artwork that has a pronounced balance and contrast between light and dark. The technique dates to Italian Renaissance methods of creating spatial and depth illusions around figures in a composition. Rembrandt and DaVinci were especially noted as painters of chiaroscuro. Source: Ralph Mayer, "A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques"; Kimberley Reynolds & Richard Seddon, "Illustrated Dictionary of Art Terms" <br><br>Term is used to describe the effect of light and shade in a painting or drawing, especially where strong tonal contrasts are used.<br><br>1) The rendering of light and shade in painting; the subtle gradations and marked variations of light and shade for dramatic effect. 2) The style of painting light within deep shadows. Carrivagio and Rembrandt are considered masters of chiaroscuro.<br><br> Italian term for light and dark, referring to the modeling of form by the use of light and shade.