To make something become different. To give a different arrangement or direction to something. To substitute, alter, vary, modify, transition, or transform. To become different, as a design or picture might. To move away from sameness, monotony, exact repetition. The concept of change is linked with those of permanence and impermanence, metamorphosis, adaptation, evolution, innovation (newness), and modernism.Cultural attitudes to changes in society ? political, religious, and other reforms and revolutions occurring amid developments in the arts, sciences, technology, business, and other fields ? are of either of two or more types, including: Change is random, without determinism or teleology. Change is cyclical, and whatever happens is a recurrence of what has happened before. This attitude can be found in such Eastern world-views as Hinduism and Buddhism, and in the notion popular in Europe during the Middle Ages of the "wheel of fortune." see thumbnail to rightGregor Reish, The Wheel of Fortune, 1503. Quotes about change: "You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters are constantly flowing on." Heraclitus (c. 535