May refer to the additive system for representing the color spectrum using combinations of the primary colors of light ? red, green and blue ? demonstrates combinations which produce an array of lighter, brighter colors, including white. This is also called the RGB (red green blue) system of color mixing. Mixing red and blue lights, for example, produces magenta. Mixing blue and green creates cyan, and curiously, red and green lights combine to produce yellow.Video display devices use combinations of pixels emitting red, green, and blue lights to form all the colors of the images on a screen. In a white region on a screen, all three types of pixels are illuminated. Look at the diagram above depicting the three additive primary colors of light. Notice how white is produced at the intersection of all three. Any two colors of light which produce white light when mixed are considered complementary colors. Blue + Green = Cyan Red + Blue = Magenta Green + Red = Yellow Blue + Green + Red = WhiteAlso see angle of incidence, CMYK (cyan magenta yellow black), incident light, manipulate, reflected color, reflection, secondary colors, and subtractive.